miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Some famous players of tennis

The best tennis players are: 

Pete Sampras: Is an ex professional tennis player he born on August 12, 1971.

Andre Agassi: Is an ex prfessional tennis player he born on  April 29, 1970.

Rafael Nadal: Is an spanichh tennis player , acutual number 1in the ranking.

Sergi Brugera: Is an ex tennis player he born on January 16 , 1971.  

John McEnroe: Is an ex tennis player he born on February 16 , 1959 , is considered the best talent of the history of the sport,

Chris Evert: Is an ex tennis player she born on December 21 , 1954 .

some type of shots

SERVE:   In tennis is a shot to start a point. The serve is initiated by tossing the ball into the air and hitting it into the diagonally opposite service box without touching the net.

GRIPS:Players use many grips during play,  the most players change grips during a match depending on what shot they are hitting.

FOREHAND: Is struck from the dominant side of the body by swinging the racket in the direction  where the player wants to place the shot. It is called a forehand.

BACKHAN: Is struck from the non-dominant side of the body by bringing the racket across the body  and swinging the racket away from one's body in the direction of where the player wants the ball to go.

Track measures

Tennis is played on a rectangular, flat plot of land, usually grass, clay, a hardcourt of concrete .
The court is  23.77 m long, and  8.23 m wide for singles matches and 10.97 m for doubles matches. The space around the court is required in order for players can reach  balls.
The net is 1.07 m high  and 91.4 cm high in the center.
LINES:  delimit the wide of the court are called the baseline (farthest back) and the service line (middle of the court), all the lines are required to be between 1 and 2 inches (51 mm) in wide.

Manner of play

The players start on opposite sides of the net. A tennis match is intended to be continuous, in most cases, service is producted in 30 seconds after the final point.

The players can change ends and a 2 minute break is permitted between sets.

A tennis match consists in sets, the first to win a certain number of sets is the winner. Each set consists of games. In every game there is a player who draws, which alternates. Also the games are composed of points.

Tennis information


Tennis is a sport , that is practised in a plain , rectangular plot of land , divided by an

intermediate net . The tennis is played with rackets , that is playing between two 

players(singles) , or between two players (doubles).

 Each player uses a racket that is 
strung to strike a hollow rubber ball over a net into the opponent's court.

HISTORY:Vista previa

It's origined in Europa , in the late nineteenth century.

At present the tennis is universal, and is played in many countries of the world . Since
1926 with the creation of the first tour , is an profesional sport, also is an Olympic sport
since Seul in  1988 .